

Invited lecture:

  • Frerichs et al. Funktionelle Bildgebung der Lunge mittels elektrischer Impedanztomographie (Functional lung imaging using electrical impedance tomography), 4th Giessen Neonatology Symposium New Possibilities of Imaging in Neonatology, 8th October 2016
  • Frerichs et al., Grundlagen der elektrischen Impedanztomografie (Basics of electrical impedance tomography), 16th Congress of the German Interdisciplinary Society of Intensive Care and Emergency medicine (DIVI), 30.11.-2.12.2017

Peer-reviews publications:

Frerichs I et al. (2017) Chest electrical impedance tomography examination, data analysis, terminology, clinical use and recommendations: consensus statement of the TRanslational EIT developmeNt stuDy group Thorax., 72: 83-93.

Conference Abstracts

Strodthoff, C. et al. (2018) Effect of suctioning on chest EIT findings in neonates:
preliminary results of a multicentre clinical study.
 In: 19th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electrical Impedance Tomography, 11-13 June 2018, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.